Colección: Software de Control de Acceso

527 Productos


    Access Control Manager 6 (ACM) Verify license for 5 virtual stations (per appliance)

    Access Control Manager 6 (ACM) Verify license for 16 virtual stations (per appliance)

    Access Control Manager 6 License for Video Integration for Milestone (per appliance)

    Access Control Manager 6 License for Video Integration for Exacq (per appliance)

    Access Control Manager 6 License for the migration and conversion of a single ACM Embedded Controller into an ACM Professional; Enterprise of Virtual system. One license is required for each ACM Embedded Controller to be migrated. License includes migration of Cardholders into Identities and conversion of the ACM EC into a HID VertX EVO V1000 controller. The ACM system does require the appropriate number of HID licensing (AC-SW-HID-RDR).

    Access Control Manager 6 Oracle Server Connectivity Software License (from Oracle DB 9i forward)(per appliance)

    Access Control Manager 6 Multi-Appliance Replication Software License (per appliance)

    Access Control Manager 6 Partitioning License for additional partitions (per appliance)
  • AC-SW-LIC-AF-6-P

    Access Control Manager 6 Hot Standby - Auto Failover Software License (per Appliance) includes AC-SW-LIC-REP-6-P; Requires duplicate licensing for failover appliance
  • AC-APP-512R-ENT-PLUS-6


    Access Control Manager Enterprise Plus 6 – Web-Based PACS Plus Appliance for 512 Readers - includes: | physical appliance | embedded 64 bit Linux OS & Open LDAP for configuration database | Access Control Manager Security Management Software | 512 Reader Count Software License | One (1) ACM Verify | ACC Video Integration | Five (5) partitions | Identities CSV export; recurring; one-time; long & short format | Total reader capacity can be expanded from 512 to 2048 readers; in increments of 16; with the purchase of the desired quantity of AC-SW-LIC-16RCU-6-P; 16 Reader Count Software Licenses | Supports up to 512 controllers | 500K identities and 150M stored events and Fifty (50) simultaneous operators (via browser) | Three (3) year appliance hardware warranty begins at date of shipment
  • AlpetaENT


    Software ALPETA, licencia Enterprise. Control de Accesos, Gestion de visitas, Asistencia y Casinos, Dashboard, E-Map, Email, VMS, LPR, Ascensores y mas. Precio base, sujeto a confirmacion con fabrica segun personalizaciones requeridas.
  • AlpetaPMM


    Software ALPETA, licencia Premium. Control de Accesos, Gestion de visitas, Asistencia, Dash board, E-Map, Email y mas.
  • AlpetaSTD


    Software ALPETA, licencia Standard. Control de Accesos, Gestion de visitas y Asistencia.


    Bosch Intrusion (1 Panel) Integration Software Licenses for Avigilon Access Control Manager 6 Professional; Enterprise; Enterprise Plus & Virtual


    Access Control Manager 6 XML Events Connectivity Software License (per appliance)


    Access Control Manager 6 Microsoft SQL Server Connectivity Software License (from Microsoft SQL 2000 forward)(per appliance)


    Access Control Manager 6 REST Connectivity Software License (per appliance)


    Access Control Manager Enterprise Plus 6 – Web-Based PACS Plus Appliance for 16 Readers - includes: | physical appliance | embedded 64 bit Linux OS & Open LDAP for configuration database | Access Control Manager Security Management Software | 16 Reader Count Software License | One (1) ACM Verify | ACC Video Integration | Five (5) partitions | Identities CSV export; recurring; one-time; long & short format | Total reader capacity can be expanded from 16 to 2048 readers; in increments of 16; with the purchase of the desired quantity of AC-SW-LIC-16RCU-6-P; 16 Reader Count Software Licenses | Supports up to 512 controllers | 500K identities and 150M stored events and Fifty (50) simultaneous operators (via browser) | Three (3) year appliance hardware warranty begins at date of shipment


    Bosch Intrusion (10 Panel) Integration Software Licenses for Avigilon Access Control Manager 6 Professional; Enterprise; Enterprise Plus & Virtual


    Access Control Manager 6 NON OEM (Non Avigilon Ordered) HID VertX EVO V1000 or HID VertX EVO V2000 Assimilation License (One required per VertX EVO Controller)


    ViRDI BE Manager Integration Software Licenses for Avigilon Access Control Manager 6 Professional; Enterprise; Enterprise Plus & Virtual


    Badging Software Licenses for Avigilon Access Control Manager Professional; Enterprise; Enterprise Plus & Virtual
  • AC-SW-LIC-16RCU-6-P


    Additional 16 Doors Expansion Software Licenses for Avigilon Access Control Manager Professional; Enterprise; Enterprise Plus & Virtual